One Word Annual Resolutions

Anyone with a gym membership probably notices the inevitable influx of resolutioners in January. Classes get swamped and towels are in short supply but by February things are usually back to normal. Approximately 9% of people felt that they were successful in achieving their resolution in 2016. That’s a rough stat.

Worrying about your New Years resolution is like sitting in a rocking chair.  It gives you something to do, but it’s not really getting you anywhere. We should try to think smaller and simpler to help ourselves motivate positive change in our lives. It’s not like most of our past resolutions have gotten us far.

In 2018 I tried something new. I picked one word that set the theme for my entire year. I decided to give this a shot after reading “One Word That Will Change Your Life.” Basically, you set one word that will act as your mantra in all things. Here are some examples:

  • Star. A sense of independently creating my own future.

  • Focus. Limiting the list of things that will receive your attention and time.

  • Presence. Being completely connected to the environment and people who are in your vicinity when you are together.

  • Connection. The quantity-over-quality conundrum regarding relationships.

People have also chosen words like: Love, Rest, Integrity, Smile, Finish, Kindness, Joy, Patience. What was my one word for 2017?


I learned a ton in 2016 and there was a lot to accomplish in 2017. I spent way too much time on Facebook or vegging out on the couch. 2017 proved to be the year of discipline, spending my time and focus on doing the things I know I really want to get done.

What will be your One Word for this year or the next?

Brandon Keao